Teach the World to be Kind!

Videos and articles meant to inspire!

Looooooong Day!

on December 5, 2014

Oh my goodness I am tired. I had to travel to Penn State with my science methods class to present at the Pennsylvania Science Teacher’s Association conference. Don’t get me wrong, I had an absolutely blast, and I am thrilled with how well my session went, but being up since 4am really took a toll on me. I just want to curl up, watch Netflix and go to sleep, but alas, I must write a reflection paper while the conference is still fresh in my mind. I learned so much from this conference and met some amazing teachers from across the state. The people at my session really seemed to like my wetland activity, and they gave me some awesome tips and suggestions. Overall, my experience at the conference was fantastic, but I sure am glad to be home on my couch. This is the third conference I’ve been to in a month, so I think it’s safe to say I’m over conferences for a little bit.

Since I went to a science conference today, I want to share a science video with you! At my conference, I noticed there were way more males than females in attendance, and it made me kind of sad. Girls get discouraged from doing science at a very young age, so as a future teacher and mom, I want to be someone that encourages ALL students to get involved in science. I mean, scientists make the world go round, so why shouldn’t more people want to participate?

If you don’t know Goldieblox, you should because they are an amazing group dedicated to getting more girls involved in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics for you non-science folks). They sell awesome science kits tailored to girls’ interests, and they also host programs to empower girls in science. Check out their commercial below!

I also want to highlight boys in science because even though we need more girls in science, we should still definitely celebrate the awesome boys in science! Peyton created a new adaptation of the sandbag to help people during floods. Check him out!

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